The ever changing media landscape provides an interface with interest groups and potential customers; allowing promoters to segment and target their promotions. Built on traditional revenue share models, this market has evolved (in technical terms) beyond all recognition – however popular online affiliate models are essentially built upon the same commercial principals of old.
Revenue streams generated from the promotion of value added services are essential (to media owners) as “paid for” advertising and subscription revenues are in general decline. Also, by its very nature content rich media and brands have their own inherent value. By working in partnership with MEDIATEEK providers – commercial paid for content models are becoming more common. Whether it’s by creating a paywall [to access unique content], “mobilising” media brands or by enabling interactive broadcast formats such as Who Wants to Be Millionaire?, Comic Relief, X Factor etc. it’s the ability to provide instant, response driven micro payment solutions that is crucial to the success of this “type” of media-driven proposition.
Here we also see a variation on “value”, not strictly in transactional terms, but in respect of gathering important customer data. By developing a detailed consumer profile (set against a simple telephone number / caller ID); merchants, brands and content owners seek to extend the lifespan of their customer acquisitions.